Singletrack had the SolarisMAX on long term review earlier this year and they loved it (and truth be told, Wil liked it so much he hasn't given it back!). They said 'it's one of the fastest hardtails they have ever ridden.'
If you like the idea of the SolarisMAX, or have one and think it's great, or just want to support the brand, then click on the link below and head over to Singletrack and give us a vote. It would be really appreciated.
If all this talk of SolarisMAX has got you interested, you can now pre-order from the next batch, or if you need the small size (so around 5ft 8in or shorter) we still have a few of those in stock. For the next batch, green is replaced by Red Dwarf - a bright red gloss finish - and Dark Metal and Cosmic Black continue...