Update 1
Things are moving fast with this, and it only took a few hours for Monday's statement to be rendered partially out of date.
Demo Tour:
In addition to all the steps we announced on Monday (if you missed it, you can see the full statement in the post below this one) we have taken the decision to cancel the Demo Tour until further notice, based on the Government advice on Monday evening regarding Social Distancing and limiting Non-Essential travel.
Whilst we all find riding our bikes very important, I think for the moment the business of trying out new ones by driving around the country does count as non-essential, so we're on hold. So, as of Cannock this weekend, and unfortunately including our long planned and very much anticipated Ireland tour, Demo Tour is cancelled until further notice.
What I would like to say is thank you to everyone who overwhelmingly responded to the Monday statement when we thought we were carrying on. Sam should have been in touch by now to let you know. If you have been in touch about demos, we will keep your email on a separate mail list and we will be in touch just as soon as we are back on it.
In the meantime, we have some plans to help you make a decision about buying your new Cotic without the demo tour. Keep an eye out for an announcement on Friday. If you'd like to hear about that first, sign up to the mailing over at cotic.co.uk/contact.
Spring Party:
The only thing we are leaving on the calendar for now is Spring Party - the Water Vole Classic. It's scheduled for 18th April. I'll be honest, we're aren't super optimistic that it will go ahead, but it can be cancelled at fairly short notice so for now let's leave that in as something to look forward to.
Sales and Shipping:
As I mentioned on Monday, we are very much open for (online) business, and even if we all end up self-isolating we can still operate due to the way we're set up.
Couriers within the UK are still shipping without restriction, and most are now putting place alternative measures to signing for items like taking photos. What we do recommend is making sure you wash your hands as soon as you receive for your delivery.
Call 07970 853531 to chat, or email info@cotic.co.uk
I'm sure I'll be in touch again about this as the situation unfolds, but for right now - and always - look after yourself and eachother. Ride a bike. Smile. Keep things in perspective.
Cy Turner
Founder and Director
Cotic Bikes