30/10/2017 - Steel Is Real Event

Steel Is Real Event

Forest of Dean

Yesterday saw us head over to the Steel Is Real Demo Event in the Forest of Dean. It was a brilliant, busy and fun event with a great buzz and bunch of people. Thanks to everyone who came along, it was great meeting you.

Such a great day yesterday with the Groovy Gang. The @steelisrealmtb demo day and exhibition @pedalabikeaway was brilliant. Massive thank you to each and every person who popped by to say hello, ogle the bikes, blag a poster, have a demo or just tell us how much you liked the bikes. It meant so much to all of us. @davecamus & @will.easey brought the style so look out for more media soon and @pedallingpints nailed his ‘get-ons’. We even picked up a hitchhiker all the way from Sheffield 🕷 Special biggups to Kye who joined us on a #onelapnocrap razz, last thing in the evening. See you at the next one. Remember if you want to try a bike just get in touch and make it happen - it’s easier than you think. Demo@cotic.co.uk

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Cotic Crew at Steel Is Real Demo Event

Check out the video below by the brilliant Will Easey.

Demo A Cotic…

Will Easey's YouTube Channel…

Will Easey's PinkBike write up of the event…