19/09/2017 - Wes Fife Ard Moors

Wes Fife

Ard Moors Enduro

Wes Fife at Ard Moors

Ard Moors is an enduro race on the edge of the North York Moors National Park. 5 stages and 35km 2500m of combined climbing and descending. This year Ard Moors really lived up to its name. It was well 'ard.

Practice had many riders worried about the muddy conditions, then the downpour of rain that evening meant that many riders decided against it. Many people that did attempt to ride it didn't finish. Our development squad rider Wes did us proud and slipped and splashed his way round to the finish! Nice one Wes!

#ardmoors2017 summed up in one photo 😂 despite the 💩 conditions, still had an absolute blast of a race! Rode all of stage 5 with no back brake and a slight hint of a front one! Not surprised to hear that only 400 of the 800 people who entered actually raced 😂 was a bit muddy to say the least 💩💩💩👍😆 Well done everyone #Ardmoors #gripplease #slidyslidy #funonbikes @coticbikes @polarisbikewear @hktproducts @sensusgrips

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Splashing my way down 'dead sheep gully ' on stage 2 yesterday #ardmoors #wetterthananotterspocket #flatout @coticbikes

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