08/09/2017 - FlareMAX Nominated for Singletrack Readers Award

Vote For the FlareMAX in the Singletrack Reader Awards

Singletrack Reader Awards 2017 - Best Bike Over £2500 Award Nominated FlareMAX

Some lovely news came through from Singletrack Magazine yesterday: The FlareMAX has been nominated for a Singletrack Reader Award in the Best Bike Over £2500 category. We are absolutely buzzing about this, mainly because it was a (nice) surprise! As these award nominations are based on Singletrackworld.com readers nominating absolutely anything in each category, and then the top three nominees go through to the voting, in a way we feel like we have already won. We did no PR, no encouragement to nominate, so to end up in the top 3 going through to the vote means that simply lots of people love the FlareMAX and put it forward. We are all chuffed to bits that the bike has generated such positive feeling, and are really looking forward to going to the awards along to meet some of our industry pals.

But now the important bit; now that we have been nominated we REALLY want you to vote for the FlareMAX!!! If you love our droplink bikes and would like to see one win an award, then please head over to Singletrackworld.com and get voting. You'll need a couple of minutes as you have to vote for every category, but it would mean a lot to us if you would spare the time. That link again is:

Singletrackworld Reader Awards Voting


Vote for the FlareMAX over on Singletrackworld.com…

Read more about the Award Nominee FlareMAX…