Have a great time whatever you're doing.
We're closed now until 2nd January 2018, and the phone is off so we can all have a little break and re-charge our batteries. However, if you want to get in touch, do drop us a line on info@cotic.co.uk or call 07970853531 and leave a voicemail and we'll be in touch in the New Year.
And as the internet hamsters never sleep, the order system is still on so if Santa or your family have been generous and you can get them Cotic you wanted now, just pop the order in over on the Orders Page and we'll get your frame or bike out to you very soon.
If you're not already, sign up to our mailing list over on the Contact Page for a bit of a boxing day treat.
Founder and Director, Cotic Bikes
I know it's a group email but was very impressed with your email and how honest you are to your legions of loyal fans.
Thanks to you too Cy! You're a pivotal figure in our MTB world, and your voice makes a difference.
Thanks for taking the time to write such an honest letter. It's obvious that you have a passion for what you do. Keep it up.
Cy sends out irregular Newsletters on subjects as wide ranging as bike fit, new trends in cycling, and prototype development.
It's not just stock updates, offers, and new product news... although he does that as well. Don't miss out, sign up!