14/03/2017 - Brand Ambassadors 2017

Brand Ambassadors

Our 2017 Brand Ambassadors Adele and Ben have been busy out on their bikes, and posting all about it on social media. Here's what they've been saying, and what they've been up to...

Ben Gerrish

The final pieces of the puzzle just went on thanks to @mojosuspension and now this amazing machine is ready to go! Here's to a rowdy year!!! • #HDDN #gritandsteel #unsustainablyhighstoke #coticrocket #hktmovement #ridejoystick #ridewtb #wildernesstrailbikes #flatpedalthunder #hopetech #MadisonClothing #LakesMTB #OneMoreBrew #Razzing #Fox #MojoSuspension #AdidasTerrex #Beer #Razzing #Rowdy #Office #Indoors #RideFox

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Wheelie into the sunset selfie dreaming, after a ridiculously wet day in the slop! • #HDDN #Selfie #DreamingOfDustyCorners #gritandsteel #unsustainablyhighstoke #coticrocket #hktmovement #ridejoystick #ridewtb #wildernesstrailbikes #flatpedalthunder #xfusionshox #hopetech #MadisonClothing #LakesMTB #OneMoreBrew #Razzing

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Big mountains, snow, sideways. 📸 @tomhodgkin • #LakeDistrict #MadisonClothing #Snow #TrailDog #DogsOfInstagram #Sideways #CoticRocket #CoticBikes #WTB #HopeTech #Burgtec #RideJoystick #35Bikes #Hookit #RideFox #LoweProBags #Razzing #HKTMovement #FoxHead

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Berm/Paddling Pool. • #GoodDayToBeADuck #HDDN #gritandsteel #unsustainablyhighstoke #coticrocket #hktmovement #ridejoystick #ridewtb #wildernesstrailbikes #flatpedalthunder #xfusionshox #hopetech #MadisonClothing #LakesMTB #OneMoreBrew #Razzing #Reflection

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Adele Mitchell

Adventure/gravel/CX/whatever ride with @elzrocks this morning. Who cares what it's called so long as you're riding a bike and having fun, right? #coticescapade #coticbikes #wildernesstrailbikes #unsustainablyhighstoke #ridewtb #flatpedalthunder #hopetech #ridecotic #cycling #outside #fitness #shero #justride

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Little album (and trying out this new Instagram feature) of the #coticescapade that I am having a lot of fun on at the moment. Is it a road bike? Is it a rigid mtb? Who cares - it's just a lot of fun! #gritandsteel #gravelbike #unsustainablyhighstoke #wildernesstrailbikes #ridecotic #adventure #adventurebike #lifebike #discbrakes #dropbars #40psi #stoked #offroad #roadcycling #strongher #mountainbike #surreyhills #surreyhillsmtb #fitness #bicycle #cycling

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Off to #swinleyforest today with #coticbikes #coticflare: pretty much galloped round and thus no pictures other than this one (other than when we got lost). But it was lots of fun. #cyclinglove #mtblove #unsustainablyhighstoke #gritandsteel #mtblife #bikebliss #mtbqueens #mtblife #mtbgirl #womenscycling #trailbike #mountainbiking #mountainbike #adventure #bike

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Took my #coticescapade for a ride around #holmburyhill and #pitchhill in #Peaslake this morning. It's a joy to ride - super capable over rough ground - roots, mud etc and super quick on the climbs. Certainly turned a few mountain bikers' heads too!! :0) #superbike #unsustainablyhighstoke #coticbikes #ridecotic #gravelbike #mtb #mtblove #cycling #mountainbiking #surreyhills #surreyhillsmtb #hopetech #wildernesstrailbikes #outsideisfree #trailbike

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